(1)  The Contractor agrees to include, and require inclusion of, the Authorization and Consent clause at 52.227-1, without Alternate 1, but suitably modified to identify the parties, in all subcontracts expected to exceed $100,000 at any tier for supplies or services, including construction, architect-engineer services, and materials, supplies, models, samples, and design or testing services. The symbol shall not be used to mark human readable material. (End of clause)   970.5204-1 Counterintelligence. (5) Collective bargaining. The disclosure to DOE shall be in the form of a written report and shall include: (vi) A statement indicating whether the subject invention is an exceptional circumstance subject invention, related to national security, or subject to a treaty or an international agreement, to the extent known or believed by Contractor at the time of the disclosure; (viii) The identification of any agreement relating to the subject invention, including Cooperative Research and Development Agreements and Strategic Partnership Projects agreements. Each request by the Contractor must include: (A) The identity of the data (including any computer program) for which the Contractor requests permission to assert copyright, as well as an abstract which is descriptive of the data and is suitable for dissemination purposes, (B) The program under which it was funded, (C) Whether, to the best knowledge of the Contractor, the data is subject to an international treaty or agreement, (D) Whether the data is subject to export control, (E) A statement that the Contractor plans to commercialize the data in compliance with the clause of this contract entitled, “Technology Transfer Mission,” within five (5) years after obtaining permission to assert copyright or, on a case-by-case basis, a specified longer period where the Contractor can demonstrate that the ability to commercialize effectively is dependent upon such longer period, and (F) For data other than computer software, a statement explaining why the assertion of copyright is necessary to enhance commercialization and is consistent with DOE's dissemination responsibilities. Other activities include train rides, a straw bale maze, hayrides, pick-your-own apples and pony rides. 970.0970-1 Determination of responsibility. Alternate II (DEC 2000). Such agreement shall require the approval of the Senior Procurement Executive, or designee. To the extent the Contractor fails to achieve the stipulated cost performance levels, the DOE Operations/Field Office Manager, or designee, may reduce in whole or in part any otherwise earned fee, fixed fee, profit, or shared net savings for the performance evaluation period. The contracting officer shall insert the clause at 970.5226-3, Community Commitment, in all management and operating contracts. (2) In the event that the Contractor is determined liable for the loss, destruction or damage to Government property in accordance with (f)(1) of this clause, the Contractor's compensation to the Government shall be determined as follows: (i) For damaged property, the compensation shall be the cost of repairing such damaged property, plus any costs incurred for temporary replacement of the damaged property. The subcontractor will comply with the procedures in paragraphs (c) through (f) of this clause regarding the collection of all data necessary to generate the reports required under paragraphs (c) through (f) of this clause, and submit the reports directly to the Prime Contractor's Environmental Sustainability Coordinator at the supported facility. (7) Subject invention means any invention of the contractor conceived or first actually reduced to practice in the course of or under this contract, provided that in the case of a variety of plant, the date of determination (as defined in section 41(d) of the Plant Variety Protection Act, 7 U.S.C. (g) Adjustment to original estimated cost and fee. (b) Reduction amount. Local Dana Point, California. The Contractor's utilization of contractor corporate funds does not relieve the Contractor of its responsibility to comply with all requirements for Strategic Partnership Projects applicable to this contract. A copy of the Performance Evaluation and Measurement Plan(s) shall be provided to the Contractor -, (i) Prior to the start of an evaluation period if the requirements, evaluation areas, specific incentives, amount of fee, and allocation of fee to such evaluation areas and specific incentives have been mutually agreed to by the parties; or. (b) Where it is determined to be in the best interest of the Government, a DOE contracting activity may authorize a management and operating contractor for a facility to acquire such utility service for the facility, after requesting and receiving concurrence to make such an authorization from the Director, Public Utilities Branch, Headquarters. (2) The Contractor shall include in all of its technology transfer agreements with third parties, including, but not limited to, CRADAs, licensing agreements and assignments, notice to such third parties that the export of goods and/or Technical Data from the United States may require some form of export control license or other authority from the U.S. Government and that failure to obtain such export control license may result in criminal liability under U.S. laws. (3) Neither the Contractor nor higher-tier subcontractors shall use their power to award subcontracts as economic leverage to acquire rights in a subcontractor's limited rights data or restricted computer software for their private use. Article 244. To the extent not set forth elsewhere in the contract: (1) The Government shall establish a Performance Evaluation and Measurement Plan(s) upon which the determination of the total available fee amount earned shall be based. (a) Particular work items falling within one or more of the following criteria normally will be classified as non-covered by the Davis-Bacon Act, hereinafter referred to in this section as the “Act.”. If the Government has title to a subject invention and the Government decides against securing patent rights in a foreign country for the subject invention, the Contractor may request such foreign patent rights from DOE, and DOE may grant the Contractor's request, subject to 35 U.S.C. (b) In the operation of this FFRDC, the Contractor may be provided access beyond that which is common to the normal contractual relationship, to Government and supplier data, including sensitive and proprietary data, and to Government employees and facilities needed to discharge its responsibilities efficiently and effectively. Subpart 970.28 - Bonds and Insurance   970.2803 Insurance. To achieve this objective, contractors are expected to use their experience, expertise and initiative consistent with this subpart. (b) Limitation on payment by the Government. (3) However, consistent with concepts of performance-based contracting, it is Departmental policy to place fee at risk based on performance. (A)  Comprehensive coverage of property from the requirement identification, through its life cycle, to final disposition; (C) Full integration with the Contractor's other administrative and financial systems; and. The term includes technical data and computer software. (10) Weapons Related Subject Invention means any subject invention conceived or first actually reduced to practice in the course of or under work funded by or through defense programs , including Department of Defense and intelligence reimbursable work, or the Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program of the Department of Energy or the National Nuclear Security Administration. Such improvements may result from changes in organization, outsourcing decisions, simplification of systems while retaining necessary controls, or any other approaches consistent with the statement of work and performance measures of this contract. the rights of the Government in such data shall be governed solely by the provisions of paragraph (g) of this clause (“Rights in Limited Rights Data”) or paragraph (h) of this clause (“Rights in Restricted Computer Software”); and (v) The right to remove, cancel, correct, or ignore any markings not authorized by the terms of this Contract on any data furnished hereunder if, in response to a written inquiry by DOE concerning the propriety of the markings, the Contractor fails to respond thereto within 60 days or fails to substantiate the propriety of the markings. When subcontracts are terminated as a result of the termination of all or a portion of this contract, the Contractor shall settle with subcontractors in conformity with the policies and principles relating to settlement of prime contracts in 48 CFR subparts 49.1, 49.2 and 49.3. Alternate IV (DEC 2000). Information on the requirements of the Executive Order may be found at http://www.archives.gov/federal-register/executive-orders/. The Contractor shall maintain file documentation which is appropriate to the value of the purchase and is adequate to establish the propriety of the transaction and the price paid. 970.4401-1 General. The following enunciates the principles upon which the DOE policy is based: (1) Employment standards.            970.5232-7 Financial management system.            970.0371-1 Scope of section. (i) A target level of performance can be established, which the contractor can reasonably be expected to reach; (ii) The value of the negative incentive is commensurate with the lower level of performance and any additional administrative costs; (iii) Factors likely to prevent attainment of the target level of performance are clearly within the control of the contractor; and. (i) For data other than scientific and technical articles and data produced under a CRADA, the Contractor shall submit in writing to Patent Counsel its request to assert copyright in data first produced in the performance of this Contract pursuant to this clause. (3) For other than fundamental research as defined in National Security Decision Directive 189, the Contractor is responsible to conduct internal export control reviews and assure that technology is transferred in accordance with applicable law. However, in any case where publication, on sale or public use has initiated the one year statutory period wherein valid patent protection can still be obtained in the United States, the period for election of title may be shortened by the agency to a date that is no more than 60 days prior to the end of the statutory period. Unless otherwise authorized or directed by the Contracting Officer, the Contractor shall include the patent rights clause at 48 CFR 952.227-11, suitably modified to identify the parties, in all subcontracts, at any tier, for experimental, developmental, demonstration or research work to be performed by a small business firm or domestic nonprofit organization, except subcontracts which are subject to exceptional circumstances in accordance with 35 U.S.C. (a) The Heads of the Contracting Activities shall establish thresholds, by subcontract type and dollar level, for the review and approval of proposed subcontracting actions by each management and operating contractor under their cognizance. Whenever the unexpended balance of available funds (including collections available under paragraph (a) of this clause), less the amount of the Contractor's fee then earned but not paid and any negotiated fixed amounts, is in the Contractor's best judgment sufficient only to liquidate outstanding encumbrances and liabilities on account of costs allowable under this contract, the Contractor shall immediately notify DOE and shall make no further encumbrances or expenditures (except to liquidate existing encumbrances and liabilities), and, unless the parties otherwise agree, the Contractor shall be excused from further performance (except such performance as may become necessary in connection with termination by the Government) and the performance of all work hereunder will be deemed to have been terminated for the convenience of the Government in accordance with the provisions of the Termination clause of this contract. (2) The Ombudsman shall be a senior official of the Contactor's laborratory staff, who is not involved in day-to-day technology partnerships, patents or technology licensing, or, if appointed from outside the laboratory or facility, shall function as such senior official. (c) The schedules are:   PRODUCTION EFFORTS Fee base (dollars) Fee (dollars) Fee (percent) Incr. Come early to make sure you get a spot because rides are filled on a first-come, first-served basis. 970.2301-2 Contract clauses. (g) Steps to be taken in event of loss. Objective performance measures, when appropriately applied, provide greater incentives for superior performance than do subjective performance measures and should be used to the maximum extent appropriate. Found inside – Page 12751 Laborers , No. 942 Bricklayers , No. 2 Carpenters , No. 1281 Hotel & Rest . , No. ... 1547 Trainee Management Table 12 Relevance to Rural Village Lifestyle of Training Positions. Table 10 Craft Affiliations of Alaska Native Pipeline ... (2) The term “contractor's managerial personnel” is defined in the Property clause in this contract. (x) Subcontract flowdown requirements. (a) The contracting officer shall include the clause with its Alternate I in contracts with incumbent management and operating contractors. The Contractor shall obtain approval from Patent Counsel prior to any release or publication of information concerning any nonelectable subject invention such as an exceptional circumstance subject invention or any subject invention related to a treaty or international agreement. Implementation cost is the Contractor cost of tooling, facilities, documentation, etc., required to effect a design, process, or method change once it has been tested and approved. (1)  The Contractor agrees to notify the Contracting Officer reasonably in advance of, but not later than 30 days prior to, the award of any subcontract the Contractor believes may be subject to the requirements of 10 CFR part 707, unless the Contracting Officer agrees to a different date. (g) Adjustment to original estimated cost and fee. Contracting officers must ensure that the contractor's procedures for its operations are consistent with DOE's procedural requirements. If the net amounts of such royalties and income received from patent licensing after payment of patenting costs, licensing costs, payments to inventors and other expenses incidental to the administration of Subject Inventions during any fiscal year exceed 5 percent of the Laboratory's budget for that fiscal year, 75 percent of such excess amounts shall be paid to the Treasury of the United States, and the remaining amount of such excess shall be used by the Contractor for the purposes as described above in this paragraph. (7) Subject invention means any invention of the contractor conceived or first actually reduced to practice in the course of or under this contract, provided that in the case of a variety of plant, the date of determination (as defined in section 41(d) of the Plant Variety Protection Act, 7 U.S.C. Subpart 970.08 - Required sources of supplies and services. DOE reserves the right to unilaterally amend this contract to identify specific treaties or international agreements entered into or to be entered into by the Government after the effective date of this contract and to effectuate those license or other rights which are necessary for the Government to meet its obligations to foreign governments, their nationals and international organizations under such treaties or international agreements with respect to subject inventions made after the date of the amendment. (b) Definitions. Any inventions arising out of such scientific research and development activities shall be deemed to be Subject Inventions under the Contract. As a rule, these set-ups are made within established facilities (normally laboratories), required utility connections are made to services provided as a part of the basic facilities, and the activity as a whole falls within the functional purpose of the facility. (a) Particular work items falling within one or more of the following criteria normally will be classified as non-covered by the Davis-Bacon Act, hereinafter referred to in this section as the “Act.” (1) Individual work items estimated to cost $2,000 or less. (2) Loops. The local newspaper, however, is not the proper authority. When reviewing performance failures that would otherwise warrant a potential reduction of earned fee, fixed fee, profit, or share of cost savings, the contracting officer must consider mitigating factors that may warrant a reduction below the applicable range specified in the clause. (4) Power of inspection. The following are examples of performance failures or performance failures of similar import that will be considered third degree: (i) Non-compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and DOE directives actually resulting in, or creating risk of, loss, compromise, or unauthorized disclosure of Restricted Data or other information classified as Confidential. As prescribed in 48 CFR 970.2704-3(b), where access to Category C-24 restricted data is contemplated in the performance of a contract the contracting officer shall insert the phrase “and except Restricted Data in category C-24, 10 CFR part 725, in which DOE has reserved the right to receive reasonable compensation for the use of its inventions and discoveries, including related data and technology” after “laser isotope separation” and before the comma in paragraph (b)(2)(ii) of the clause at 48 CFR 970.5227-2, Rights in Data - Technology Transfer, as appropriate. Copyright Office. This evening train explores the stories of local hauntings, historic incidents, and amusing and astounding happenings along the Colebrookdale Railroad. For subcontracts subject to exceptional circumstances, the contractor must consult with DOE patent counsel with respect to the appropriate patent clause. (ii) A written justification for use of the higher amounts must be approved by an officer of the contractor's organization or designee to ensure that the authority is properly administered and controlled to prevent abuse. (ii) When approved by the contracting officer, contractor participation in the conduct of the Balanced Scorecard performance measurement and performance management system. 5908. Contractor investments are minimal under DOE's operating and management contracts. ________ with the United States Department of Energy which may be duplicated and used by the Government with the express limitations that the “limited rights data” may not be disclosed outside the Government or be used for purposes of manufacture without prior permission of the Contractor, except that further disclosure or use may be made solely for the following purposes: (a) Use (except for manufacture) by support services contractors within the scope of their contracts; (b) This “limited rights data” may be disclosed for evaluation purposes under the restriction that the “limited rights data” be retained in confidence and not be further disclosed; (c) This “limited rights data” may be disclosed to other contractors participating in the Government's program of which this Contract is a part for information or use (except for manufacture) in connection with the work performed under their contracts and under the restriction that the “limited rights data” be retained in confidence and not be further disclosed; (d) This “limited rights data” may be used by the Government or others on its behalf for emergency repair or overhaul work under the restriction that the “limited rights data” be retained in confidence and not be further disclosed; and (e) Release to a foreign government, or instrumentality thereof, as the interests of the United States Government may require, for information or evaluation, or for emergency repair or overhaul work by such government. (3) Where audits of subcontractors at any tier are required, arrangements may be made to have the cognizant Federal agency perform the audit of the subcontract. Visitors will see Linvilla’s piles of pumpkins in all colors, shapes and sizes — more than 100 tons on display. (iii) Approval of the Contractor's property management system shall be contingent upon the completion of the baseline inventory as provided in subparagraph (i)(2) of this clause. (1) Interim reports. (b) The obligations of the Department of Energy under this clause are subject to the availability of appropriated funds. Home Office Expenses may, however, be included for reimbursement under such DOE off-site architect-engineer, supply and research contracts, only to the extent that they are determined, after careful examination, to be allowable, reasonable, and properly allocable to the work. Except for subject inventions that the Contractor fails to disclose within the time periods specified at subparagraph (c) (1)  of this clause, the Contractor may request a revocable, nonexclusive, royalty-free license in each patent application filed in any country claiming a subject invention and any resulting patent in which the Government obtains title, and DOE may grant or refuse to grant such a request by the Contractor. (g) Steps to be taken in event of loss. The operations and field offices are to ensure that the necessary resources and infrastructure exist within both the contractor's and government's organizations to prepare, evaluate, and administer the pricing arrangement or cost reduction incentive prior to its implementation. Nothing in this paragraph is to be construed as authorizing the Contractor to exceed limitations stated in financial plans established by DOE and furnished to the Contractor from time to time under this contract. (b) The use of performance-based statements of work, where feasible, is the preferred method for establishing work requirements. Before sharing sensitive information, (g) (1)  All litigation costs, including counsel fees, judgments and settlements shall be segregated and accounted for by the contractor separately. The Contractor agrees to include the substance of this clause in subcontracts at any tier that cover or are likely to cover subject matter classified for reasons of security. Upon delivery, title to such records shall vest in DOE or its designees, and such records shall be protected in accordance with applicable federal laws (including the Privacy Act) as appropriate. (1) Computer data bases, as used in this clause, means a collection of data in a form capable of, and for the purpose of, being stored in, processed, and operated on by a computer. To the fullest extent feasible, DOE will consult with representatives of the contractor's management and labor when formulating security regulations and policies that may affect the collective bargaining process. (6) 970.5232-6, Strategic Partnership Projects funding authorization. Leadership+Theory+and+Practice+6th+editi (1) The amount of fee may be established as total available fee with a base fee portion and a performance fee portion. Except to the extent that rights are retained by the Contractor by the granting of an advance class waiver pursuant to subparagraph (b)(2) of this clause or a determination of greater rights pursuant to subparagraph (b)(7) of this clause, the Contractor agrees to assign to the Government the entire right, title, and interest throughout the world in and to each subject invention. The Government reserves the right to inspect, and to accept or reject, any item of such property. Such savings may result from a specific cost reduction effort which is negotiated on a cost-plus-incentive-fee, fixed-price incentive, or firm-fixed-price basis, or may result directly from a design, process, or method change. (a) Pursuant to Executive Order 13423, Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy and Transportation Management, and Executive Order 13514, Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and Economic Performance, the Department of Energy (DOE) is committed to managing its facilities in an environmentally preferable and sustainable manner that will promote the natural environment and protect the health and well being of its Federal employees and contractor service providers. (b) Definitions. The term “data” does not include data incidental to the administration of this contract, such as financial, administrative, cost and pricing, or management information. If the Contracting Officer provisionally disallows such costs, then the contractor may not use funds advanced by DOE under the contract to finance the litigation. All such agreements entered into during the contract period of performance should provide that grievances and disputes involving the interpretation or application of the agreement will be settled without resorting to strike, lockout, or other interruption of normal operations. For “Count’s Halloween Spooktacular at Sesame Place” (100 Sesame Place, Langhorne, 215-752-7070, www.sesameplace.com), the popular amusement park has been converted into a Halloween-themed safe venue for kids with trick or treating, pumpkin decorating, hayrides and a hay maze.
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