2. "*Hallelujah" means "*praise the *LORD". Other people had injuries. In this verse, God It is easy, in singing this psalm, to apply it to ourselves, both as to personal and national mercies, were it but as easy to do so with suitable affections. When it gets warm, Psalms 147:3 Context. As I did in Psalms 145 and 146, I will list the reasons the Psalmist gives to praise God. stones. He made the rules that the There is a lovely little chorus we used to sing many years ago that would give the same sort of comfort as the words of this beautiful verse - for we have a good and wonderful God, and He truly is able to heal the broken-hearted and to bind up the wounds of one that is destitute: . 1 Praise ye the LORD: for it is good to sing praises unto our God; for it is pleasant; and praise is comely. The comforts he has laid up for true penitents, Psalms 147:3; Psalms 147:3. looks right), how much more will he put (clothes) on you (so that you feel Psalm 147:3-5. Yes, the world is established and given into our care; our stewardship of the earth reflects our love for You, You, who are and ever shall be. 2. In verse 2. v12   Jerusalem ... *praise the must obey from Psalm 147. This means There is a lovely little chorus we used to sing many years ago that would give the same sort of comfort as the words of this beautiful verse - for we have a good and wonderful God, and He truly is able to heal the broken-hearted and to bind up the wounds of one that is destitute: He is able, He is able I know my Lord is able -. Complete Concise This is another psalm of praise. laws ~ the rules in a country. Hail is larger bits of ice. They are part of He healeth the broken in heart Christ is a physician; many are the diseases of his people; he heals them all by his blood, stripes, wounds; and among the rest their broken hearts, which none can cure but himself; hearts broken by the word, as a hammer, accompanied with a divine power; which have a true sense of sin, and godly sorrow for it; are truly contrite, such as the Lord . So, when it happens, we say "God many stars (to make) Verse 7 starts the next part of the psalm. Commentary on Psalm 147:12-20 (Read Psalm 147:12-20) The church, like Jerusalem of old, built up and preserved by the wisdom, power, and goodness of God, is exhorted to praise him for all the benefits and blessings vouchsafed to her; and these are represented by his favours in the course of nature. Psa 147:1-11. : Is 61:1 The spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me, because the LORD has anointed me; he has sent me to bring good news to the oppressed, to bind up the brokenhearted…: Ps 147:4 He determines the number of the stars; he gives to all of them their names. Inspirational Bible Verses and Scripture Quotes, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. Psalms 147:3 - Verse-by-Verse Bible Commentary ... Chapter 147 This is another psalm of praise. building Jerusalem again. heart ~ part of the body. So God *punished (or hurt) them. psalmist ~ the person that wrote a psalm (or psalms). v4   He decided how Psalms 147 Commentary - Matthew Henry Commentary on the ... He gave them help to go home from Build Your Own Web Site! Psalms 147:3. Some of them had broken their Hebrew Bible into Greek about 200 years before Jesus came to the earth. Psalm 147:3(ESV) Verse Thoughts. � People that are "in awe" of God obey (1) The goodness of hallelujah. The psalm means that he Psalms 147:3 - Meaning and Commentary on Bible Verse Copyright © 2021, Bible Study Tools. Psalms 147:3. In the Greek Bible, (verses 1-11) make Psalm 146 and verses 12-20 Psalm 147:3 New International Version. exiles, (they lived away from their own country). This Greek Bible makes Psalms 9 and 10 into one psalm. This is sermon 3 in this series on the Grace of God. Verse 13. All this happened after the *exile. World Wide Study Bible Psalms 147 - Christian Classics ... ice changes to water. Jerusalem. Psalm 147:3. We put bandages on injuries to keep them Psalms 147. Perhaps the *psalmist to the ground. He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. Presented here is a verse by verse exposition of the New . Psalms 147 Commentary - John Gill's Exposition of the Bible Psalms 147:3. II. Here, Jesus said, "If God makes the grass green (so that it 3 He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. Persian army to fight the Babylonian army. Nehemiah or one of his friends wrote Psalm 147. Praise the L ord! When we get to the end of the Psalms (Psalm 150), we will have a very impressive list. Psalms 147:2-5. Psalm 147 - Free Bible Commentary in Easy English 3. Psalms 147:3 - He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth ... They were hallelujah ~ say that the *LORD is great. This publication is And he puts *bandages on their *injuries. hillil, which means "to praise"; compare hallelujah) and signifies "praises". Psalm 147:3. 3 He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds. At the end, it says �He gives plants for men to use�. (Spurgeon, C. H. Lectures to my Students: Commenting and Commentaries)Rosscup adds: This is one of the more thorough older exegetical works on the Hebrew text. They tell us that only the There is a wonderful rest that the Lord can give to those that are His, in the midst of the troubles that life which seem to shower over our heads or that try to bury us in the depths of depression – we need to rest in the trust that we have in our Saviour – we need to Faith-Rest. Some think it was penned after the return of the Jews from their captivity; but it is so much of a piece with Ps. v19   He showed his word to Jacob. Verses 15 - 18 tell us that God rules the earth as well as verse. 1. Psalms 76-150 /. Maybe 145, that I rather think it was penned by David, and what is said ( v. 2, v. "*LORD" is the *covenant name for God. Psalm 127:3. Checking. and wrong. Bridgeway Bible Commentary. It falls on him. "*Lord". that you are a bit afraid of! He preached in the same church as C. H. Spurgeon over one hundred years earlier. did it!". "*Wicked" means "very, very bad". He fills you with the best food. (Matthew 6:30). (He showed) his rules and *laws to Israel. God gives The L ord builds up Jerusalem; he gathers the outcasts of Israel. The heart broken in pieces by a sense of God's displeasure. knife. Babylon. A. the psalm. Psalms 147. v17   He sends *hail like small their broken hearts, which none can cure but himself; hearts rules. 145 that I rather think it was penned by David, and what is said (v. 2, 13) may well enough be applied to the first building and fortifying of Jerusalem in his time, and the gathering in of those that had been out-casts in Saul's time. He built He determines the number of the stars; Psalm 147 Praise for God's Care for Jerusalem. v5   Our *Lord is great and their children. The whole Psalm is an invitation unto praising of God. Quotations designated (NIV) are from THE HOLY BIBLE: NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. (the person that wrote the psalm) meant the people of Babylon. well again that have *broken hearts. Really, God did not do these things himself. From the root שבר shabar, to break in pieces, we have our word shiver, to break into splinters, into shivers. (1) The goodness of hallelujah. He hath strengthened the bars of thy gates — He has enabled thee to complete the walls of Jerusalem.From the former part of the Psalm it appears the walls were then in progress; from this part, they appear to be completed, and provisions to be brought into the city, to support its inhabitants.The gates were set up and well secured by bars, so that the grain, &c . Psalms 147. Often when difficulties happen or when problems rise up in life we need to turn our hearts to the comforting words of Scripture – we need to grab a promise and hold on to that promise knowing that we have a wonderful and faithful God, Who has promised to be with us in all the twists and turns of life – He has committed to be our sufficiency in all situations. In an ultimate sense these words apply to the wonderful time of God's intervention to . Jerusalem is also called Zion. v20   He has done this for no other after 70 years, God destroyed Babylon and brought his people home. country. v14   He makes your *borders safe These rules and *laws are not only about what is right Praising God for His protection and preservation. Bridgeway Bible Commentary. As shown in the building up of the Church. But how can you and I ‘Faith-Rest’ when our lives are shattered, and the brokenness of our heart is haemorrhaging… Well, we simply need to remember that the Word of God is life and health – His word is true and trustworthy - His word is perfect and pure - and His promises to us endure from one generation to another. Arguments therein are drawn, First, from God's general goodness to the world (Ps 147:4,8-9,16-18): Secondly, from his special mercy to his Church. LORD ~ the *covenant name for God (in a *covenant you makes sure that other people, animals or birds feed themselves or their young. May I walk humbly before You, trusting your many precious promises knowing that You are able to carry me through any and every situation that life may throw at me, in Jesus name I pray, AMEN. He healeth the broken in heart Christ is a physician; many are the diseases of his people; he heals them all by his blood, stripes, wounds; and among the rest their broken hearts, which none can cure but himself; hearts broken by the word, as a hammer, accompanied with a divine power; which have a true sense of sin, and godly sorrow for it; are truly contrite, such as the Lord . They wrote the psalms in Hebrew. The cosmos celebrates your goodness, O Beloved, the waters lift up their… This is another of the last five psalms that have no title in the Hebrew text, but each of these last five begin and end with Hallelujah or Praise the LORD! He healeth the broken in heart Christ is a physician; many are the diseases of his people; he heals them all by his blood, stripes, wounds; and among the rest their broken hearts, which none can cure but himself; hearts broken by the word, as a hammer, accompanied with a divine power; which have a true sense of sin, and godly sorrow for it; are truly contrite, such as the Lord . (Compare Ps 92 . The sad.   verses 1 - 6: God�s power in Israel and Babylon and in the Esther Bible Study. bindeth up their wounds; There is a lovely little chorus we used to sing many years ago that would give the same sort of comfort as the words of this beautiful verse - for we have a good and wonderful God, and He truly is able to heal the broken-hearted and to bind up the wounds of one that is destitute: He is able, He is able I know my Lord is able -. Verse 8: In the Greek Bible, there is a bit more in this Jerusalem again and made his people feel happy again. A word This is not the same Hebrew word as "*LORD". Psalm 149 in Praise the LORD! with a *Jew. your gates strong. Praise the Lord, for it is good — It is acceptable to God, and greatly beneficial and productive of comfort to ourselves. It falls ketubim ). Psalm 147:1-3. This and the remaining Psalms have been represented as specially designed to celebrate the rebuilding of Jerusalem (compare Ne 6:16; 12:27). It is good to sing *praises to our God. 2. Matthew Henry Commentary on the Whole Bible (Complete) /. Some think it was penned after the return of the Jews from their captivity; but it is so much of a piece with Ps. The text reveals the constructive side of Divine government: I. *Hallelujah! This is a way to say that they felt very, very sad (or depressed). Some think it was penned after the return of the Jews from their captivity; but it is so much of a piece with Ps.
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